The state is a hostage to Peevski and his dependencies

Chairman of "Vazrazhdane" Kostadin Kostadinov made a statement in Burgas on the political situation

Костадин Костадинов
Костадин Костадинов. Снимка: ПП "Възраждане"

Chairman of „Vazrazhdane“ Kostadin Kostadinov made a statement in Burgas on the political situation and the new mandate to form a caretaker cabinet. In his statement Kostadinov touched upon key aspects of the political situation, including the importance of the new caretaker cabinet for the stability of the country and the possible consequences for the upcoming political processes.

Kostadinov also made a sharp comment and serious accusations, expressing concerns about the strong dependencies and influences that, according to him, undermine the functioning of state institutions and the democratic process in the country.

Kostadinov began with criticism of Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov, whom he described as „completely under the control of Peevski.“ The leader of „Vazrazhdane“ stated that „Kalin Stoyanov protects his interests“ and emphasized that it is still unclear whether he will continue to fulfill this role:

“There is still no answer to this question because Glavchev said he is satisfied with the work of his government.”

Even if Stoyanov is replaced, Kostadinov expressed his opinion that his successor could be just as dependent:

„Even if we assume that Kalin Stoyanov will be replaced, we have no guarantee that another Kalin Stoyanov will not come, because we have seen unprecedented political protests by the employees of the Ministry of Interior in the last 10 days.“

Kostadinov noted that the Minister of Interior treats the ministry as his personal property and even organizes protests in his own defense:

„We see how the Minister of Interior organizes protests in his support, treating the ministry as his own property.“

He also added criticism towards party leaders who openly defend Stoyanov:

„We see how a party leader comes out and directly says that he will put him at the top of his party’s candidate list, and this does not concern the prosecutor’s office, which is supposed to take action.“

Despite Stoyanov’s possible replacement, Kostadinov expressed scepticism about the future of justice in Bulgaria:

„That is why even if Kalin Stoyanov is removed and with Glavchev’s very heavy dependencies on Peevski, it is not certain that whoever takes the post will not commit the same acts, namely to open an umbrella for vote buying, because this is the only way Peevski can re-enter Parliament, which for him is a pledge for his political and physical survival.“

The leader of „Vazrazhdane“ expressed concern about the state of the country, stating:

„Our entire country has become a hostage to two people — one man and his property.“

He also emphasized the lack of optimism regarding the formation of the future cabinet:

„We are not optimistic about the formation of the future cabinet, which is likely to mirror the composition of the current one.“

Kostadinov drew attention to the deep dependencies and connections among political players in Bulgaria, noting:

„We do not know how events will unfold because of the very serious dependencies and interconnectedness between absolutely all political players, except for „Vazrazhdane“.

He also criticized the dependencies of some energy ministers in relation to the Botas deal, which he described as „one of the most corrupt deals in recent years“.

He added that „there are no contracts signed by Radev’s government that are so insanely treacherous, which is strangely not talked about“ and stressed the dependence of the prosecution on Peevski:

„The Prosecutor’s Office is Peevski’s, if it is silent and pretends to be distracted, despite the many signals, it means that Peevski has some kind of agreement with this person and vice versa.“

Kostadin Kostadinov concluded with an insight into the political dynamics in Bulgaria:

„You want to see who is an enemy of Peevski, then see who is attacking, you want to see who is his friend, see who does not notice.“

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