Тhe State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“ was fined BGN 20,500 for two violations of the law related to the statue of Boyan Maga

Statue of Boyan Maga
Photo: Archive

Тhe State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“ will have to pay two fines totaling BGN 20,500 for non-compliance with the law on the statue of Boyan Maga, which was abolished last year.

The General Directorate „Inspectorate for Preservation of Cultural Heritage“ in the Ministry of Culture has established that the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“ has committed administrative violations of the provision of Article 14, paragraph 1, item 13, b. „C“ and paragraph 3, in connection with Article 200 e of the Cultural Heritage Act /CHA/, as well as the provision of Article 193, point 3.

The first act was committed on February 10, 2021, when the statue was placed in Burgas on the territory managed by the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“. The second is from July 6 of the same year, when the 5-day period expired, and the company did not provide information in a letter with questions from the Ministry of Culture.

Experts at the ministry said both violations were not insignificant, although they were committed for the first time and the statue was dismantled. As a result, a sanction of BGN 20,000 was imposed for the first violation of the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“, and BGN 500 for the second.

It is an interesting fact that during the inspection by the General Directorate „Inspectorate for Preservation of Cultural Heritage“ they talked to Director „Port of Burgas“ (TD) Ivaylo Ivanov, who stated that the department does not have available documentation and information about the erection of the monument, respectively it was not provided to employees of the Ministry of Culture. The case arises, is it permissible for him not to notice that controversial plastic is being placed on the land he manages?

All this that is happening in the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“ because of „Port of Burgas“ (TD) gives the impression of poor management of the maritime branch. We remind you that on April 14 it became clear that pre-trial proceedings had been instituted in connection with a crime under Art. 308, para. 1 of the Criminal Code, which reads as follows:

„Whoever draws up a false official document or alters the contents of an official document in order to use it shall be punished for forging a document with imprisonment of up to three years.”

Currently, an investigation is underway by the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior – Burgas and on this occasion it was ordered to the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“ to submit documents related to public procurement, contracted by the territorial division /TD/ „Port of Burgas“.

Separately, a source of Iskra.bg revealed that the territorial division /TD/ „Port of Burgas“ had hired an external law firm, but it is not known what exactly. He suggests that it is possible that she started appealing the penal decree by the Ministry of Culture. Given that the company was hired in connection with the sanction of BGN 20,500, several questions arise:

  1. There are lawyers in the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“, why is it necessary to hire an external company?
  2. If hiring a law firm from the State Enterprise „Port Infrastructure“is because the company’s lawyers are not competent enough to handle the case, then why aren’t they fired?

What was the case with the statue of Boyan Maga?

The sculpture was erected in January 2021. It was a nearly 4-meter sculpture of a man with chains and two faces – human and wolf and Masonic symbols at the base. Boyan Maga is said to be one of the founders of Bogomilism. The monument provoked mixed feelings among citizens of Burgas and led to serious discussions in the public space, and many organizations wrote to Mayor Dimitar Nikolov, the Municipal Council of Burgas, the District Administration, the Sliven Metropolitan Church and the director of the Port of Burgas to be removed. They all suggested that another monument be erected in its place, and gave the idea of ​​one to the Kodzhakafaliya.

In early June 2021, it became clear that the Ministry of Culture had not approved the project for the installation of the sculpture, and as a result, an inspection was ordered. Then a letter was published by the then regional governor of Burgas Prof. Dr. Maria Neykova to Chairman of “Vazrazhdane” political party in Burgas, Boris Aladzhov, in which she wrote that the political force had asked the regional administration on February 15 whether the procedures for erecting the monument had been followed. They, in turn, asked for the position of the Ministry of Culture. However, it was delayed by almost 3 months. A reminder letter followed.

In the end, the District Administration received an answer that the project was not coordinated with the Ministry and because of the violations of the law the General Directorate „Inspectorate for Preservation of Cultural Heritage“ was contacted. As a result of the subsequent inspection, it was decided to remove the sculpture.

So, in July 2021, the sculpture, placed in the public access area of ​​the Port of Burgas, was dismantled by its author – Georgi Andonov.

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