Where does the money from traffic fines go and what is it spent on?

The answer from Minister of the Interior, Atanas Ilkov

Пътна полиция
Пътна полиция. Снимка: МВР

„From 2021 to November 30, 2024, the funds collected in the Traffic Safety Fund (TSF) amount to 352,668,555 BGN. The sources of income are defined in § 1, paragraph 4, item 1 of the Additional Provisions of the Road Traffic Act (RTA) and Article 3 of the Regulation on the Conditions and Procedure for Managing the Funds from the TSF (Regulation). The fund receives funds from fines for violations detected by technical means and systems that capture and record the date, exact time of the violation, and the registration number of the motor vehicle, as well as funds from donations and other income provided by a regulatory act.“

This is how the answer from Minister of the Interior, Atanas Ilkov, began in response to a question from BSP MP Ivan Ivanov regarding the accumulated and spent funds in the Traffic Safety Fund.

„The spent funds amount to 114,292,248 BGN. Activities related to traffic control and improving road safety that can be financed with the funds from the fund are outlined in § 1, paragraph 4, item 2 of the Additional Provisions of the Road Traffic Act (RTA) and Article 4 of the Regulation. The funds from the fund are spent in accordance with the Public Procurement Law and the acts issued based on it, while adhering to the principles of legality, appropriateness, economy, and transparency (Article 6 of the Regulation),“, Ilkov wrote, adding:

„From 2021 to November 30, 2024, the following activities were carried out with funds from the Traffic Safety Fund (TSF): printing brochures on traffic safety, organizing seminars, renovating and furnishing training rooms; post-warranty maintenance of technical and software equipment (devices, instruments, and systems) for speed control; delivery of materials and consumables; test cassettes and drug tests; equipment for police vehicles; mobile printers and tablets; personal cameras; specialized protective clothing; chromatographic equipment and analyzers for detecting the presence of alcohol and drugs; delivery of motor vehicles and modernization of the Ministry of Interior’s automated information systems.“

The Interior Minister additionally informed that with the funds from the Fund, the following public procurement activities were planned and organized for 2024:

  • A total of 4 public procurement contracts for the purchase and delivery of stationary and mobile speed control cameras, with a total value of BGN 27 920 000,00 including VAT. Of these, 2 are under appeal, and corrections are being made for the other 2 following the opinion of the Public Procurement Agency (PPA) from mandatory control under Article 232a of the Public Procurement Act (PPA).
  • A public procurement contract for the purchase of motor vehicles for the needs of the Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs (SDIA) and the Regional Directorates of Interior (RDI), with a total value of BGN 151 816 960,00 including VAT, which has been sent for mandatory control under Art. 232a of 301 to the PPA.
  • A public procurement contract for the purchase of specialized vehicles for towing motor vehicles for the needs of the Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs (SDIA) and the Regional Directorates of Interior (RDI), valued at BGN 12 102 640,00 including VAT, for which corrections are being made following the opinion of the State Commission on Procurement (SCP) from mandatory control under Article 232a of the Public Procurement Act (PPA).
  • A public procurement contract for the purchase of specialized vehicles with equipment for initial intervention in road accidents, valued at BGN 15 096 000,00 including VAT. The documentation is in the process of being coordinated.
  • The technical specification is also being prepared for a public procurement contract for the purchase of body cameras for the needs of the Ministry of Interior, with a value of BGN 70 000 000,00 including VAT.

„Funding is also planned for the implementation of activities to secure high-risk pedestrian crossings across the country in 2025, amounting to 12,039,600,00 BGN including VAT,“, the Minister concluded.

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