The monthly salary for the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior is set to be BGN 8836, with his deputy receiving BGN 7979. This is outlined in the Regulation on the amount of basic monthly salaries for public servants under the Ministry of Interior Act, which has been posted for public discussion. The reasons for these changes are to align the regulation with amendments to the Ministry of Interior Act, which came into effect on January 1st of this year.
The law specifies that the base for calculating the basic monthly salary of public servants for the lowest position is the average wage in Bulgaria for the second quarter of the previous year, according to data from the National Statistical Institute. The monthly salary is then increased by a coefficient relative to this base, with a minimum coefficient of 1.2 for the lowest executive position and 1.0 for the lowest junior executive position. The base in question shall be recalculated each January.
The Regulation specifies that the basic salary for a Director of the Regional Directorate is BGN 5443, while the head of a department receives a monthly salary of BGN 4281. A senior investigator earns between 3700 and BGN 3900, while police inspectors have salaries ranging from BGN 2800 to BGN 3625, depending on their rank.
The Chief of Police earns around BGN 4436 as a basic salary, while the heads of district police stations earn approximately BGN 4000. The Director of the Regional Border Police Directorates earns a monthly base salary of BGN 4440.
The Director of the Sofia Directorate of the Ministry of Interior earns BGN 4634, while the head of a department earns BGN 3973, according to Pariteni.bg.
Senior and junior investigators have a difference of around BGN 200 in their base salaries, with the latter earning BGN 2800. The heads of the district offices earn approximately BGN 4000, while officers at the stations earn BGN 3286, according to the data.
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