First ever strike by diplomats in Bulgaria

Сграда на Министерство на външните работи. Снимка: Архив

Bulgarian diplomats started the first ever strike. From Friday, consular services will be suspended, as well as certifications. It will also stop the work of the Central Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bulgaria’s diplomatic and consular missions abroad are also ready to join the effective strike action.

At 10:30 this morning at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diplomats went to entrance 3 of the building. They have been throwing yellow pennies. According to them, this is precisely how their work is evaluated.

The average employee salary is about the same as that of a salesperson at a large grocery store. At the same time, the criteria are among the highest in the entire state administration. It is required to have a master’s degree and to speak at least two foreign languages. It also deals with classified information.

At the moment, the work is very serious because of the war in Ukraine, Schengen, etc. At the same time, 100 units remain unfilled. Diplomats are demanding that their remuneration be at least equal to that of the Ministry of Defence. And they charge at least twice as much.

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