Организация за закрила на българските граждани /ОЗБГ/

Biser from the OPBC returned a little girl to her mother after a spectacular...

Representative of the Organization for the Protection of Bulgarian Citizens /OPBC/ Biser Rusimov was the first to find himself in a difficult situation and...
Президент Румен Радев

The Presidency confirmed that Radev will convene the National Security Advisory Council due to...

President Rumen Radev will convene a new meeting of the National Security Advisory Council. This was confirmed by Dondukov 2. The meeting will be held...

The Prosecutor’s Office: „Bulgargaz“ has sold thousands of surplus natural gas through the stock...

„Bulgargaz“ has sold thousands of surplus natural gas through the stock exchange. Most often this happened through the Balkan gas hub. This was revealed...

Employees of the Bulgarian Investment Agency have participated in an OCG for a selfish...

A team of five investigators and two prosecutors will check the signal for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization through investments. This was announced by...
Цончо Ганев

Tsoncho Ganev from Vazrazhdane National Park with questions to the Minister regarding unregulated landfills

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Tsoncho Ganev sent an inquiry to the Minister of Environment and Water regarding an ecological catastrophe on...

Bread producers facing bankruptcy? The industry calls on the state to intervene

The increase in the price of electricity ruined the business, commented the world champion in pizza making Anatoli Kolev. According to him, if the...
Борислав Сандов

MOEW: Energy aid will not be abolished, but the state cannot promote coal burning

„Energy subsidies for coal are being discussed, especially in cities where we have been shown to exceed the fine particulate matter standards.“ This was announced...
Държавен фонд "Земеделие"

В ръководството на Държавен фонд „Земеделие“ има промени. Какви са?

Управителният съвет на Държавен фонд "Земеделие" /ДФЗ/ реши от длъжността заместник изпълнителен директор в институцията с ресори прилагане на мерките от Програмата за развитие...

The Prime Minister: the state has no funds, we take them from the taxpayers...

The state has no funds, we take them from the taxpayers and redistribute them, said Prime Minister Kiril Petkov from the parliamentary rostrum. According...
Константин Бачийски

Konstantin Bachiiski: The Anti-Corruption Commission has made more saints than the church

„The Commission for Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property has made more saints than the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for the last 100...
Константин Бачийски

Konstantin Bachiyski’s idea for the development of Ravnets Airport was included in the government’s...

Konstantin Bachiyski's idea for the development of Ravnets Air Base and its transformation into a duty-free zone with its own cargo airport has officially...
Снимка: пресцентър МВР

The National Assembly accepted the resignation of Sotir Tsatsarov

The deputies decided whether to accept the resignation of Sotir Tsatsarov as chairman of the Commission for Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired...
Кирил Петков Петков

Kiril Petkov: The new debt is 4 billion, not 7

The government has approved a strategy for public debt management for the period from 2022 to 2024, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov told reporters after...
Делян Пеевски

The GDCOC insists that Peevski’s immunity be waived

An investigation by the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (GDCOC) against MP Delyan Peevski has concluded that there are suspicions of crimes, so his...
Ивайло Мирчев

Ivaylo Mirchev: There are currently no working regulators in Bulgaria

There are currently no working regulators in Bulgaria. This was announced to “BNT” by MP from "Democratic Bulgaria" Ivaylo Mirchev. He stressed that whether...
Stoyko Tankov

SEC asked Stoyko Tankov to cancel the last municipal session in Burgas due to...

Municipal councilors from the Middle European Class (SEC) and the Bulgarian Citizens' Movement (DBG) asked the regional governor Stoyko Tankov to cancel the session...

Restaurant keepers protested in Stara Zagora: Let’s say „NO“ to the lockdown!

Restaurant keepers protested in Stara Zagora. The demonstration was organized by the Society of Restaurants in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Association of Restaurants.The protest...
Премиер Кирил Петков

Bulgaria will set up a battalion group over tensions between Russia and Ukraine

Bulgaria will create our entire battalion group due to the tension between Russia and Ukraine. This became clear after the government meeting at which...

Citizens protest in front of BNT over the download of a film about the...

Citizens are protesting in front of BNT over the downloading of a film about the massacre of Bulgarians by Yugoslav authorities in northern Macedonia....

Road Safety Institute: Hemus Motorway is at high risk of severe accidents

The Institute for Road Safety (IPB) has engaged an international road safety auditor to carry out safety inspections on the highways in Bulgaria. Today,...

Мистерията около смъртта на Христо Ботев: Геройството и неразкритите истини

Христо Ботьов Петков, по-известен като Христо Ботев, е един от най-емблематичните фигури в българската история. Като революционер, поет и публицист, той оставя неизлечима следа...


Община Бургас
разкъсана облачност
31.6 ° C
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47 %
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