The Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) distributed over BGN 4,200,000 in bonuses and awards for 2024 – an absolute disgraceful record in history! This was announced this morning on the social media platform Facebook by the civic movement BOETS.
On January 8, 2025, BOETS submitted several requests under the Access to Public Information Act to various institutions and authorities regarding the bonuses, salaries, and other information distributed in 2024.
Here’s what the civic movement wrote:
„Traditionally, at the beginning of each year, BOETS conducts this institutional oversight and informs the Bulgarian public about the data received.
This time, the responses and information we are receiving surpass even the most brutal arrogance we’ve ever seen! You will understand why the servants of the mafia in the Supreme Judicial Council listen to and execute the orders of the ruling mafia and hold on to their positions for years after their mandates have expired. Arrogant, greedy scum! We exclude Atanaska Disheva and Olga Kerelska from this group.
We are publishing the response from the Supreme Judicial Council. It becomes clear from it that in 2024:
- Judicial officers in the Supreme Judicial Council received BGN 2,980,103 in additional wages for achieved results and monetary awards – ALMOST BGN THREE MILLION!
- Judicial officers were paid wages amounting to BGN 9,613,847.
- The members of the Supreme Judicial Council were also paid record wages totaling BGN 3,626,236; THESE ARE THE SALARIES OF 23 PEOPLE! (There were 23 members in 2024 after two left).
- The SJC has 13 official cars with a total mileage of 247,000 km for 2024. The Earth’s equator is 40,000 km long. The brazen individuals at the Supreme Judicial Council have circled the globe more than 6 times with their official limousines! – FREE DRIVER, MAINTENANCE, SERVICE, INSURANCE, TOLL FEES, AND FUEL!
For comparison, here are the figures from 2022 – the bonuses for members of the Supreme Judicial Council were BGN 400,000 and by 2024, they have already reached BGN 1,212,183. THREE TIMES MORE! Their salaries have also increased by about BGN ONE MILLION!
To summarize! The salary of one member of the Supreme Judicial Council for 2024 is around BGN 14,000 per month! (the same as the president). At the same time, these individuals have awarded themselves an additional BGN 4,400 per person per month in bonuses! Or a total of BGN 53,000 leva per person in bonuses for the year! For what?! For promoting and allowing the mafia candidate Borislav Sarafov as the only candidate for Prosecutor General, and for blocking all signals from BOETS last year?!
Can any citizen point to even one useful thing the parasites at the Supreme Judicial Council did for society? JUST ONE THING! They rewarded themselves for poisoning our society and serving the mafia! This makes our victory in removing Sarafov and the revelations by BOETS, BIRD.BG, and Bivol about #SarafGate even more valuable!
Now the brazen bastards must return the money to the mafia! But those funds are not for the mafia, they are our money! So, there is no money for cancer patients, transplant recipients, and people with diabetes, and they have to pay extra for their medications! Yet, for the bullies in the SJC, there are millions for bonuses and rewards!
People, realize what parasites they are and get angry! That’s why Magdalenchev and his company will lick the boots of Peevski and Borissov, will carry out the mafia’s orders, and will cling to their positions!
The mandate of this Supreme Judicial Council has expired, and the composition is practically illegitimate. The iron majority in it has long proven how it acts as a tool of the mafia.
Removing this composition of the SJC is one of the most important battles and the first step in the fight against corruption for BOETS!
We will go and enter the SJC building to ask for which results exactly they have distributed such huge funds. Because they refused to accept the documents of BOETS from the archive of Petyo Petrov, known as “The Euro”, accusing Sarafov of corruption and other crimes? If we have to, we will chase them down the corridors of the SCC and they will return and vomit the millions skinned and drained from our backs! There is no such insolence and impudence. Self-absorbed drones and minions who think they are above the law and the citizens.
Stay tuned for our next revelations and actions! And don’t just wait for another helping of the mafia’s abomination, but be active and support us in the battle against the brazen to fight the evil that has taken over our country!“