The Commission for Protection against Discrimination with the position: „Green Certificate“ is discriminatory

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Снимка: „Информационно обслужване“

The Commission for Protection against Discrimination (CPD) issued a recommendation to the health authorities to revise the order for the introduction and the requirement of a „Green Certificate“. Orlin Kolev from the institution clarified that the authorities should specify and introduce a different approach in the assessment of all restrictive measures regarding the different groups.

In one way, a restrictive measure can be taken against a person who has been vaccinated and has antibodies, but a person who is, say, allergic to vaccines cannot be equated with him.

It is a matter of discrimination, Kolev is categorical. According to him, when different social groups are treated in the same way, then the principle of equal treatment is directly violated. In the future introduction of COVID measures, they must be tailored to the needs of each stratum – there are citizens who cannot be immunized or have survived the disease and do not have antibodies, he added.

To date, the Commission has received 5 inquiries concerning the new measures. According to Kolev, the possibility that the order could be a source of indirect discrimination is not ruled out.

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