The budget for 2021 – a clear reference to the forthcoming elections

Photo: Pixabay

The ideas set out in next year’s budget are directly linked to the forthcoming elections. There are no cases in which the update of pensions will be from January, but now this will happen from the beginning of the year. There is one small detail and a clear injustice – updating will not be all. This was shared by the MRF MP Dr. Hassan Ademov, quoted by „24 Chasa“.

The Budget for next year envisages over BGN 2 million in expenditures for social needs. Drastic and somewhat astonishing increase. However, in drawing an imaginary parallel with the costs of the other 27 EU Member States, the policy pursued in the country can be described more as a catch-up policy.

The anti-epidemic measures that are being imposed in Bulgaria just now are also late, and some of them are still in progress. Coupled numbers ranged from 600 to 100,000 to take more serious action, and it was quite expected to happen. However, the Ministry of Economy has not developed clear strategies to support the business sector, on the contrary. Negotiations with employers continue to this day. According to Dr. Ademov, the economic measures should have been ready and announced long before the anti-epidemic ones.

Our healthcare system is also under serious pressure. The invisible pressure comes from the fatigue and exhaustion of the medics. Some of them are sick, quarantined or already dead. And yet – the system continues to function and heal, thanks to the heroes who fight on the front line around the clock. We needed to get to this moment of crisis to turn our heads to medical people and all healthcare, rethinking the value of their work.

Regarding vaccination, Ademov is optimistic. Although he has already contracted the coronavirus, he said he was ready to be vaccinated. The safety risks, he said, are not significant. In order to be admitted to the European market and authorized for use, a vaccine must have successfully passed a series of regulatory stages and therefore be approved by the European health institutions.

It is obligatory to vaccinate first the people who are at risk, as well as the people who are on the first line, the MP is categorical. The plan for vaccination of the population and the prioritization of some groups over others must be ready before the vaccine comes.

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