A Bulgarian remains in a stalemate at an airport in London – our compatriots helped him

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Our compatriot Gospodin Konstantinov is now left at the London airport after his flight to Bulgaria was cancelled. He only had 40 pounds. This sum would not be enough for him to make both ends meet in the days to come. However, in just a few hours, he received support from other Bulgarians who found a way to lend him a hand.

This is how a sad story turnеd into a story of support and empathy. Slavi Mihaylov explained to Iskra.bg about the good example:

„Kostadin worked at one of London’s restaurants. The facility closed because of the coronavirus crisis. For this reason, he decided to go home. However, his current flight was cancelled and he stayed at Stansted Airport – unable to afford an accommodation, having no idea how to handle such a situation.“

Mihaylov told the sufferer to stay there until they figure out a way out of the situation. The money for his cancelled flight at this stage could not be refunded.

Slavi wrote a post on the Facebook social network and made contact with the MP Daniela Daritkova, who made a promise to deal with the case.

Many people took a position on the topic on the social network. Some of them accused the man in need that he could work, so there were ways for him to cope with this situation. Others decided to reach out and assist.

Among the latter was Dimitar Ivanov, who took the initiative to bring Gospodin to his home. By the time he spoke with the Iskra.bg team, he was already on his way to the airport.

Dimitar will also provide a ticket to the stranger, who is still unknown to him, so he will arrive on home land on Friday. In addition, Dimitar will give him money to pay for his accommodation in Bulgaria so that he does not stay on the street when he returns home. Dimitar shared:

„There is no way to remain indifferent when someone is in trouble. I have read all the comments and I think many people will probably condemn my action. However, my principle is another – if you can help – help, if not – do not impede. Other communities are more united than Bulgarians, but it is important for me that everyone be good. That’s why I left London myself and went to another city. I couldn’t imagine living in that place with my family. Тhings are different, where I am now. Why leave the boy on the street, what would happen if he stayed in his accommodation – would he eat the beds?“

Other compatriots responded too. They set aside their own budget so the boy can be a little more relaxed while waiting for Dimitar. The money was transferred to his account.

Dr. Daniela Daritkova, for her part,  made contact with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georg Georgiev. In this way, the incident also reached the labor attaché at the embassy in London, Vasil Asenov, who committed today to contact the Lord and provide the necessary assistance. Mikhailov also expresses his gratitude to them. Mihaylov also expresses its gratitude to them:

„I am grateful for Dr. Daritkova’s quick response! It is not the first time that she has responded to my call, as she has always approached me with  understanding. I appreciate it.“

Gospodin Konstantinov didn’t expect such a reaction. He has no family and relatives, and he has spent his childhood in homes for children who are deprived of parental care.

In May he is graduating from the University of Veliko Turnovo. „St. Cyril and Methodius. “ But before that, he’ll be home on Friday – perhaps with a heart filled with more faith in people and new friends.

The team of Iskra.bg will tell you the end of the story in the days to come. For the time between delayed flight and return, for people who have reached out. For our compatriots who have not remained indifferent.

Translation: Gloria Yordanova

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