The „Middle European Class“ party will hold meetings to form a broad supra-party union

CEK. Снимка: СЕК

After all the proposals that have been addressed to the „Middle European Class“, we have decided not to participate in the upcoming elections. To date, we do not see a union that can confront the model of the conquered state. The political entities are strongly divided, as is our society.

In times of strong division, we will do our best to unite political formations as well as unquestionable authorities and personalities who have proven themselves to be honest and moral people. People who do not trust corruption and manipulation, but prefer to serve society with transparency, commitment and honesty. Such people could restore faith in our deeply disillusioned society.

Our approach is non-partisan, because a large part of the problems that affect our society do not know political and party interests. We believe in collaboration as tools to overcome differences and achieve common goals. We strive for unification, which would contribute to the development of our country and the unification of society.

Over the years, „European Middle Class“ has opposed the vicious practices in the management model of GERB and MRF. A model that brought our country to the state it is in today. A model that reduced our population by hundreds of thousands over the period of their rule. A model that ruins and destroys people. Our fight against the management model of GERB and MRF continues and will not stop. We will not give up the fight against corruption and the state captured by it, which are draining our country’s resources and halting its progress.

Every citizen of Bulgaria can play a role in this initiative of ours. The beginning of real change begins with each one of us – with active participation in public life, with support of honest and moral people, with commitment to achieving common goals. Let’s build a better future for our country together.

The time has come to be inspired by the courage of those who fought for freedom and justice before us. Let us be their continuation, working for a better Bulgaria.

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