Mirchev: The third term is a crisis and does not imply coalition formation yet

Ивайло Мирчев
Ивайло Мирчев. Снимка: Демократична България

It is possible Bulgaria to fall into the following scenario 5 parliamentary elections in 23 months. This is what Ivaylo Mirchev, MP from “Democratic Bulgaria”, said on Facebook, noting that this would be a European record. According to him, 80% of Bulgarians want a regular government, and at the moment, according to the party, the country has 5 national tasks ahead of it:

  • Joining the eurozone by 1 January 2024;
  • Joining Schengen by the end of 2023;
  • The recovery plan – BGN 10 billion;
  • Modernization of the army;
  • Constitutional reform of the Prosecutor’s Office – without Geshev and the inability of politicians to produce a new Geshev.

„The possibility is for a technical cabinet, which does not include the leaders of the parties, but with enough political figures who are clearly responsible for its actions. We are not talking about a coalition, joint governance or a shaky political composition. DB will not seek support for a technical cabinet. The possibility of forming coalitions is exhausted. The third term is a crisis term, which does not imply the formation of sustainable coalitions yet,“, Mirchev said, adding:

„The right way is to vote on a declaration in the National Assembly with clear national goals. DB will not compromise with the principles we have been defending for years. Each of these 5 tasks is key for us. The worrying point is the anti-corruption package and the part with the constitutional reform of the prosecutor’s office, which ‘worries’ some of the parties.“

The MP pointed out that the inability to form a cabinet means:

  • Postponing our euro area membership, as it is not clear when the next possible window will be;
  • Remaining outside Schengen;
  • Delaying the Recovery Plan money;
  • Delaying the modernisation of the army;
  • A fiasco in the fight against corruption and the reform of the judiciary.

„It would be strange for the mandate to go to the BSP, which returned the paper ballot. BSP served GERB and MRF and now we are going to elections under electoral rules on which the president himself vetoed, which BSP voted against. Our differences with the BSP are fundamental – the euro area, the war in Ukraine, the fight against Russian propaganda, the budget deficit, the modernisation of the army, judicial reform. That is why the country needs a cabinet, and new elections, the fifth in 23 months, held with paper ballots will not lead to anything better. We warned about this at the last and the one before that,“, Mirchev wrote in conclusion.

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