The “Poison Trio and Citizens” launched a platform for fair elections

The Poison trio.
Photo source: Facebook page of the Poison trio.

The “Poison Trio and Citizens” launched the platform In their position to the media, the informal union explains that we must all be guardians of the election results in order to stop fraud, ballot count manipulation and attempts to buy votes. The members added:

„The thugs are in power and they will make the elections. 15,000 people, distributed in the sections in Bulgaria, are enough to keep the faces away from our sacred right to vote. They are ready for anything and we must build a SHIELD for fair elections!”

The observers who will keep the result should monitor the election process, the counting of the ballots, the correct entry of the results in the protocols and then receive a certified copy of the protocol of the polling station, according to the „Poison Trio and Citizens“. Then everyone will take a picture of the copy and upload it to our special mobile app „Keep the thugs out“.

„This is our counting headquarters to process the results and publish them in real time. Within a network of partnership with other extra-parliamentary forces, we will exchange and compare results. There is already good will for this. Sign up here: We will support a team of lawyers to advise and assist in sending reports of violations, „said the union.

The “Poison Trio and Citizens” remind us that honesty depends on each of us, we all keep our faces out and exercise civilian control. This battle is important for everyone, because the elected will vote on the rules we live by, determine the budget drawn up with our money, elect a government and control the executive branch. Our right to free vote is enshrined in the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must protect our rights ourselves and we will do it together, Prof. Velislav Minekov, lawyer Nikolay Hadzhigenov and Arman Babikyan pointed out in their position.

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