The party “Vazrazhdane” demanded the resignation of Rosen Zhelyazkov. BSP will sign

Костадин Костадинов
Костадин Костадинов. Снимка: "Възраждане"

The Party “Vazrazhdane” wants the resignation of the President of the 49th National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov. This was announced a few minutes ago by the political force.

The reason is that the item on the vote of no confidence in the caretaker government was not included in the agenda. This was announced a little earlier by Kostadin Kostadinov, chairman of the party “Vazrazhdane”. For this initiative, the party will seek the support of the BSP and “There is such a People”.

Kostadinov was adamant that such lawlessness should be responded to. That is why they were going to turn to We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria. And the leader of the Renaissance Party bet that they would refuse to sign the request so that it could be officially submitted to the parliament and put to a discussion and vote.

However, the party “Vazrazhdane” said that the socialists would put their signatures.

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