Kornelia Ninova resigned

Корнелия Нинова
Корнелия Нинова. Снимка: Facebook

BSP Chairperson Kornelia Ninova resigned after assessing the party’s results as “catastrophic. According to her, this way she takes political responsibility.

„We gathered the Executive Bureau and analysed the situation. The biggest concern for Bulgaria is the bottom of the turnout. This time the protest vote was expressed through not voting. There is no winner in this election because all of us, except the MRF and “There is Such a People”, are losing votes, most of all “We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria”, she said.

We recall that yesterday the BSP Youth Organisation demanded Ninova’s resignation over the result of the vote by hanging a „Resign“ poster through the windows of the party’s headquarters. The youth explained that they had accepted a decision that the BSP result was “catastrophic. They demanded Ninova’s immediate resignation as party chairman and reported that 800,000 votes, or 40 percent of the electorate, have been lost under her watch since 2017. In addition, they are demanding the immediate convening of the National Council to call a congress demanding her resignation.

According to 100% of the processed protocols of the 2-in-1 vote, the BSP is the fifth force in the National Assembly. The party received the support of 7.06% of those who went to the polls, or 151,557 voters.

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