Justice for Everyone protests again demanding Geshev’s resignation and Supreme Judicial Council

Инициатива Правосъдие за всеки
Снимка: Инициатива Правосъдие за всеки, Facebook; Архив

The Justice for Everyone Initiative is organizing a protest for the 12th time in a row. It will traditionally take place before the Court of Justice. They continue to demand the resignations of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev and the Supreme Judicial Council.

Today the initiative announced that at the end of the year in which the European Union introduced a general monitoring of the rule of law in the member states, they want to say that in our country the prosecutor’s office violates the law and together with the SJC (Supreme Judicial Council) and parliament violate basic principles and values .

In addition, a public position of „Justice for Everyone“ to the European Commission and the Venice Commission on the new draft laws of the government will be announced tomorrow. This is the one of GERB, which proposes to have a prosecutor who can investigate the chief. According to the initiative, however, this will be an uncontrolled and sham figure in the judiciary.

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