Donchev defended Minister Taneva, according to him she should not resign

Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev
Photo: Archive

Minister of Agriculture Desislava Taneva should not resign, said Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, who commented on the leaked video of a meeting between her and farmers, which shows that some have received more than expected money, and after a question to her „why did it happen this way „, she answered -„Let us not boast about what we are frauds„. According to him, however, this is not a goodanswer of the Minister that it is better to adhere that we do not have fraud, because they will stop our funds, but the Minister does not carry out inspections as the auditors do.“

A few hours later, Taneva gave an extraordinary briefing at which she explained that her words were taken out of context. Donchev commented on the air of NOVA television:

The logic is exactly the opposite. There is a rule – find the mistakes before anyone else finds them. This is the logic when it comes to European money. When European auditors come to check on you, it is better for you to find the mistakes beforehand. Even in an open conversation, such things are not said by a minister. Money cannot be stopped by a replica. But money is stopped when there is a violation. I talked to Taneva and she said that her words were taken out of context. “

Donchev also commented on the allegations of businessman Vasil Bozhkov. According to him, if the genre was not based on fairy tales from the Orient, but based on Bulgarian folk tales, then we have many characters.

But there are few Oriental characters left – Aladdin, Sinbad the Sailor. If we take a more scientific approach, fairy tales are based on myths, and myths reflect collective longings, and so on. ”

Every figure in power is vulnerable to a loss of public confidence, and any accusation, no matter how wealthy or not, erodes trust. I see no other scenario than the truth and only the truth.”

When there is a reproach that raises doubts, the affected party is obliged to respond, each of those affected has done so. But it is not right to enter the explanatory regime every morning after the next accusation. This is not good.“

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