Unpublished audio recording: The mafia is trying to bribe Head of the BFSA Hristo Daskalov so as not to interfere in the case of the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint

Проф. д-р Христо Даскалов
Проф. д-р Христо Даскалов. Снимка: БАБХ

Mollov: It’s all yours, it doesn’t matter. Prof. Dr. Hristo Daskalov here is no point in this, I cannot do such things … I have not done and I will not do.

This can be heard in an unpublished audio recording, which was provided by a source in Iskra.bg. He claims that the main actors in it are Mollov and Executive Director of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency /BFSA/ Prof. Dr. Hristo Daskalov. The recording shows the first man known to have held a senior public office during GERB’s rule talking about a laboratory. From the context it is clear that it is for the one who until recently exercised phytosanitary control at the Kapitan Andreev border checkpoint:

In order to form your own opinion, then the laboratory there is first with the most modern equipment – gas-mass. It works through parallel systems. They take out the results in almost 1 hour, they have received international accreditation. Qualified staff and any other. They have contracts with over 800 companies that are either importers of products or those that are, after all, transport companies. Imagine all this if, for example, on February 1, because we are the most authorized member, we stop doing it. What’s going on? Trucks are being lined up, things are becoming political instantly.“

He added: „It doesn’t make sense. Instead of looking calmly, look around, because you have to judge. In general, in order to change such a situation, it is necessary to assess what it costs the Agency, the state and what should be done? Moreover, there is such a European practice for reassignment of private companies to laboratories. You know it very well.“

The person referred to as Mollov noted that he had seen how the control was carried out on the spot and everything was done according to „quite a European version„. There was a hotel in the parking lot and „comparing it to the other points where we know what the situation is and what it is – the difference is from earth to sky.“

„It just makes sense to see this. To judge, should this be pushed or should it just be reorganized in some way? That’s what I’ve been asked to say, to share.“

And they would be grateful if there were no aggressive actionswithout complying“, the man in question claims.

„That’s right. I know what it is, but I’m telling you. Look, that’s it, I’m not just saying that, I know they have nothing to do with Taki, etc … Just so you know.

Around the fourth minute of the recording comes the embarrassing part. Mollov says he was given a documentation to pass on, and the conversation continues as follows:

„Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „What is this now !? Don’t pass on things to me that aren’t…

Mollov: „Don’t worry, be calm.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „Ha, no …I will look at it and I do not want to have such misunderstandings, because…“

Mollov: „You have no commitment to that.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „This is not for me! This is not for me!“

Mollov: „Well, look now, it’s for you and I have nothing to do with it.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „Well.“

Mollov: „I have no job in this regard, I have not heard, I have not seen, we know no one, I am nobody, I am nobody. In this case, I’m just handing over, it’s for good treatment, so we don’t force things, and it can be regular.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „No, no, no!“

Mollov: „That’s what I’m telling you, isn’t it … don’t worry, this … I’m a grave for that.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „Okay, but„ „

Mollov: „It’s all yours, it doesn’t matter.“

Prof. Dr. Daskalov: „It doesn’t make sense, I can’t do such things … I haven’t done it and I won’t do it!“

And here the recording ends.

It turns out that the mafia tried to bribe Prof. Dr. Daskalov in order not to interfere in the border control at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint. The carrier suggests that this may happen on a regular basis. As a result of the fact that the new head of the BFSA does not succumb to the temptation, the state budget starts to receive about BGN 5,000 per hour or an amount of about BGN 50,000,000 per year, which has so far gone into private hands. An umbrella over this mafia scheme was crucified at the highest political level during GERB’s rule. The damage to the budget for the last 10 years amounted to about BGN 500 million. This scheme is currently blocked, as a result of which Prof. Dr. Daskalov began to receive threats to his life and health.

We remind you that in May a scandal broke out with the company „Eurolab 2011“. On May 19, the BFSA terminated its contract with it and entered into its powers at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint as a guarantor of the quality and safety of fruits and vegetables imported from third countries, which are available on the Bulgarian and European markets. However, this provoked allegations and an open letter from the owner of the private company that a businessman wants to „take“ his business. As a result, a closed sitting of the Anti-Corruption Commission was held in the National Assembly. During the meeting, Prof. Daskalov revealed that a man with whom he knew quite well had offered him a lot of moneyso that nothing would be touched at the border.“ Now his claims are confirmed by the file sent to us.

Iskra.bg will continue to monitor the case with the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint and the widespread corruption, which is currently unpunished.

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