Elisaveta Belobradova: We were pushed into a political crisis because Mr. Peevski had to show who was the strongest

Елисавета Белобрадова
Елисавета Белобрадова. Снимка: Facebook, личен профил

„The only reason why we might get away with the Eurozone is the political crisis, into which we were forcefully and purposefully pushed, because Mr. Peevski had to show who was the strongest.“

This is what Elisaveta Belobradova, MP from „We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria“ wrote on Facebook. In her words, our country has very good statistical indicators and is ready to adopt the euro as its national currency. We published her full comment without editorial interference:

„Yesterday, a hearing of Cairman of the National Statistical Institute Atanas Atanasov was held on the statistical indicators for the entry of the Republic of Bulgaria into the Eurozone, with the idea of proving that someone somewhere has committed data misuse.

Nothing of the sort has been proven. The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has done its job perfectly and Bulgaria is really ready for the Eurozone. The only reason why we might get away with it is the political crisis, into which we were forcefully and пурпосе pushed, because Mr. Peevski had to show who was the strongest.

Meanwhile, for the first time, Bulgaria  has overtakenRomania in such an aspect. For the last three years, Bulgaria has been catching up twice as fast with European incomes as Romania (9 percentage points vs. 5 percentage points), and in terms of actual individual consumption in purchasing power per person our country is no longer last and is even ahead of Hungary.

Against this backdrop, the MRF today decided not to vote for the admission of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice in the discussion on the Penal Code. Their aim was to show that they could. A simple admission, which until now has been a formality, because no one has ever thought of this pettiness.

The hatred towards us is understandable, the hatred towards Bulgaria is also understandable. In the coming weeks, our colleagues from GERB will choose a path, and this path will largely predetermine the big tasks before the country such as the Eurozone, Schengen and the strategic place of Bulgaria in general, on which side of the fence it will be.“

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