Amaya’s father announced that will take legal action against the company responsible for medical transport

Амая Абрашева
Амая Абрашева. Снимка: Габрилева Василева, Facebook

Amaya’s father, who united all of Bulgaria, Kaloyan Abrashev announced that he and his wife will take legal action against the company responsible for medical transport. In an emotional post on Facebook, in which he shared about the last hours of the girl, he thanked the doctors from the Children’s Department of the National Cardiology Hospital for the care, as well as everyone who reached out to them in this difficult time. The bereaved family will donate the funds raised to other children in need, as well as equipment. And why they decided to take legal action, Abrashev explains:

“Dear people,

I will try to tell you how a company we thought was a „savior“ turned out to be a „killer“ company. This is In short, it is a company that specializes in organizing and transporting patients. As written on their page: „We pride ourselves on having a 100% success rate.“ Well, yes, but yesterday.

Their organization was such that their medical plane took off from Lyon Bron Airport and landed at Sofia Airport on Monday. Also on Monday, all the life-saving medical equipment that would be needed for the flight left Istanbul by car, equipment that was to be delivered to Sofia Airport on Monday evening. Tuesday with a flight from Istanbul arriving at 09:00, the two Turkish doctors who were supposed to be with us on the flight arrived. It’s Tuesday, around 10:00 and we’re leaving the National Cardiology Hospital by ambulance.

In the ambulance are me, Amaya, two doctors from the National Heart Hospital and the two medics who will be with us on the flight. We all arrive at Sofia airport and the organization of transferring Amaya from the ambulance to the plane begins and we receive a question from the foreign doctors: „Where is the equipment?“.

These people had absolutely no idea where the equipment they were going to work with was. Panic set in and we all started calling to find the equipment. The entire airport was organized to search for the life-saving equipment. After maybe fifteen minutes, it was found that the same was delivered on Monday evening…to Central Railway Station in Sofia. The company hired some young man in a white t-shirt with a sweatshirt with absolutely no spoken English to drive the equipment and he confused „airport“ with „station“.

We didn’t have time to react and had to go back with the little one in the ambulance back to the hospital. Dr. Pechilkov, leading the organization from the Bulgarian side, told us that this movement like a rag doll from systems in the hospital to an ambulance is extremely dangerous, and for the first time he witnessed a patient returning.

After 5-6 hours we start the whole operation again with the equipment at our hospital. We leave again with the ambulance for the airport. We enter the airport, the ambulance pulls up to the plane and the procedure is repeated, and it is assumed that nothing can go wrong. Well, yes, but no. When connecting the breathing apparatus, which is absolutely vital, the Turkish medics found that the connector connecting the apparatus and the plane did not match. The Turkish medics were not at all aware of what the required tip was and where to get it to connect to the plane. Despite the efforts of several airport services, the tip in question was never found.

For the second time we had to go back to the hospital. At 19:50 we arrived at the National Cardiology Hospital and a Turkish medic says to me: „I’m sorry, we don’t know where to find the tip in question, we can’t say when we will fly.“ I asked them, “Okay, you’re the medics in charge of the equipment and taking care of Amaya while we fly. You didn’t even bother to inquire where your equipment was, which just like you arrived from Istanbul, nor did you inquire if this same equipment would work on the plane, why?” The answer was, “I’m sorry”.

At 21:30 we received a call from the National Heart Hospital and were told that Amaya’s condition had taken a sharp turn for the worse at 21:00 and she had died a short time later.

A huge thank you to absolutely all the doctors from the Children’s Department of the National Cardiology Hospital. Although the doctors told us the truth in our eyes, that the chance of her living was minimal and that the worst could happen at any moment, they did not stop until the last breath to do everything in their power for her to survive, to survive at least to the flight. Her heart has fought to the end.

Dear people, Amaya is no longer with us, but her cause will live on. Amaya has united the entire nation in the cause of doing good, and my wife and I will continue to do so, and I’m sure all of you will too. All funds donated to Amaya will be donated to other children in need as well as equipment. Regarding the company responsible for the medical transport, we intend to take legal action. Such wanton disregard for human life, in our opinion, should not go unpunished.

Dear people, Amaya’s funeral will take place in my native village of Enina, Kazanlak municipality on Friday 03/01/2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Thank you for your outstanding support. Although I was unable to save my daughter, I urge none of you to give up anything in the world for the sake of your children. Kudos to you!

Rest in peace sweet Amaya. Know that mommy and daddy love you very much!”

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