What stands behind the spectacular beating by a forester of a systematic poacher in Dupnitsa?

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This is just the tip of a huge iceberg. This iceberg has many peaks, some of which occasionally surface briefly, but soon submerge again, and most remain permanently invisible to the public. And so it has been for two decades…

The iceberg has rigidized a number of state systems – forestry, the Ministry of Interior, the judiciary, social, educational, energy and others. The shortcomings allowed and concealed for years in the various systems lead to an internal and interdepartmental imbalance, which makes the iceberg bigger and heavier, and it pulls our society lower and lower. This in this case is expressed in the impudence, audacity and sense of impunity of the poacher and the helplessness of the forest officer. That’s right, the self-defense of the forester, who is also a kickboxer, is a consequence of his helplessness as an official. The poacher, a systematic violator of the law, is well aware of this and has decided to teach a lesson to the young forest ranger.

Why are the reasons for illegal logging in Bulgaria related to the poor functioning of many public sectors?

FIRST, illegal logging is directly related to living standards. No one will risk going into the woods to cut wood against the law if they can live normally without doing so.

SECOND, easy access to alternative energy. Gas is widely used in the world for heating, but not in Bulgaria. We are listening to new gas pipelines being laid, but no one has yet said that this gas will soon reach our homes at reasonable prices. That is why most households that are close to the forest use firewood. SOME DO IT ILLEGALLY.

THIRD, the efficiency of the judiciary and the penalties imposed on violators. This is probably the weakest point of the whole problem of illegal logging. No efficiency – certainly the funds raised from fines imposed on violators in the country as a whole do not cover the administrative costs of cases, not to mention the damages themselves. This is what makes poachers feel unpunished and increasingly impudent in their actions. Here I will quote the words of an offender who we caught years ago with colleagues illegally cutting wood:

„And write me 100 acts, forest, tomorrow I will be in the forest again!“

FOURTH, education. Many people, with the education they receive, simply cannot do anything. Since they cannot be realized anywhere else, they catch the forest in the hope that with the resources it provides them, they will still survive somehow. There is another side to the problem of poor education. The level of quality and competence of employees in forests, as well as in other state structures is constantly decreasing, which acts as a strong disincentive for conscientious people to do their job. Nowadays, those who have not enrolled to study have not received a diploma – one way or another. For the forest, however, in many cases incompetence has detrimental effects.

FIFTH, the forest system in Bulgaria. As a result of purposeful long-term actions and legal changes, our forest department is today depersonalized. Artificially divided structures with overlapping activities and responsibilities, huge and unnecessary administration, political appointments, daily humiliation and disrespect for the professional qualities of employees by superiors, short-sightedness in decisions, complete censorship, fear and uncertainty in the industry, lack of communication with society , lack of transparency of forest activities. The authority of the forest is crushed! Respect for the forest is equal to the mayor and the priest is an old myth. This is evident everywhere, people see and feel it, including poachers.

I am writing all this in response to the question „Do I support the forest officer Krassimir Sulev, who was arrested in Dupnitsa for beating a multiple poacher?“ A person who is aware of the system cannot answer this question unequivocally. YES, I SUPPORT KRASIMIR SULEV, BUT I DO NOT JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS. As I said, the reason for them is far below the visible surface. I admire his physical strength and fighting skills, but in this case, this emotional outburst of aggression is a sign of weakness. And this is not his personal weakness, but the weakness of the entire forest system to deal with a pressing problem, the reasons for which are hidden in today’s foundations of our society.

And I would not be able to write this if I still worked as Krassimir Sulev in this same forest system. Which, as in this case, we do not like to talk about it. He prefers to lower himself, to remain silent until the storm passes. And so day after day, year after year. Sometimes she is willing to sacrifice one of her employees, as will probably happen now. Only and only the status quo to continue.

But I believe in a bright future and that things will change. Let us all live with the thought of an educated, intelligent, knowledgeable, capable and respected Bulgarian forest official – the one who with honor cares for and protects MAGNA SILVA BULGARICA – THE GREAT BULGARIAN FOREST!

Source: Vladimir Dimitrov

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