Kiril Petkov to the protesters: If we want a strong state, we must work together!

Кирил Петков при протестиращите
Кирил Петков при протестиращите. Снимка: Скрийншот от видео във Facebook

The Prime Minister Kiril Petkov went to the protesting citizens in front of the Council of Ministers, who are taking part in the demonstration against the Green Certificate, organized by the Vazrazhdane National Park.

The Prime Minister went up to the rostrum and made several attempts to speak, but was drowned out by loud shouts of „Resignation“. People have made it clear that they are dissatisfied with his rule so far.

However, Petkov managed to say the following:

„If you want to have a strong state, all citizens must work together. I have been to many protests and I have been here. We need to start talking more. The green certificate will fall when the number of people in the intensive care units in hospitals decreases. The government is not afraid to talk to the people. When did we have such a prime minister to talk to the people?”

He then announced that thefts had been committed in Bulgaria for 13 years.

„Keep protesting.“

With these words he turned and entered the Council of Ministers, where the leader of the „Vazrazhdane“ Kostadin Kostadinov took the podium and announced that they should make sure that they rule Bulgaria, because the state belonged to everyone and there was no elite.

„No one is bigger than the Bulgarian people!“, he was adamant.

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